INVITATION TO OPEN TRAINING “The Secrets of success and financial freedom”


After the traditional summer vacation we resume a series of open training company “Practical Training School”. And it offers a wonderful training, consistently receiving positive feedback from participants – «Secrets of success and financial freedom». This time tools for achievement of financial and personal goals are combined into one powerful intensive one-day training. After passing it, you will improve many aspects of your life by applying the time-tested rules of success and wealth.

It is not just training for personal growth. Most of trainings only answers the question “what” to do to be successful. “The main thing is that participants receive training on “Secrets of success and financial freedom” – is not just an understanding of “what” to do, but “HOW” to do it. Everyone who came to the training, receives a set of powerful and specific secrets of success with which the road is built to realize his dream.

The same applies to the issue of managing their finances. It is not enough to know “what” to do, to have capital and assets, allowing to feel confidence in the future. It is important to know and understand “how” to do it. And it is desirable not to sixty years, and is much earlier.

hat’s what will be discussed during the training:

1. What are the secrets of success?

2. How to motivate yourself and overcome laziness?

3. How to achieve your goals?

4. How to become successful in all areas of your life?

5. How to learn to manage your money?

6. Where to start building your own equity?

7. How to become financially independent and free?

It’s not a classic training, but a lively and honest discussion with the participants of the training. Of those internal barriers and the limits that prevent them achieve long-awaited success. About the beliefs embodied in childhood, which they did not even know, but that sometimes prevent them from becoming truly happy. And as a new training – these are new members, and the conversation is always something new. By studying the principles of success with the coach, the participants begin to realize how to achieve in your life very different, extraordinary results. And, as a consequence, to move to a new level, where all dreams become an achievable reality.

Training conducts CEO “Practical Training School” Sergei Ozerov. And that guarantee the highest level of knowledge imparted, because Sergey – personal student of Jack Canfield, all of which you can see in the sensational film “The Secret.” Jack Canfield – Success coach №1, whose name is listed in the Guinness Book of Records, the author of the best-selling “Chicken Soup for the Soul” and “Principles of Success.”

HereHere is a link to a personal blog of Sergei, where he shares the secrets of success and personal finance management.

Here is feedback from participants:

After passing the training, you will receive:

1. Understanding of everything that hindered your success all these years

2. A new look at the events around you

3. Self-confidence in your abilities

4. Going beyond that limit your results

5. Powerful secrets of success and wealth

6. Structured rules governing your capital

7. Enjoying a qualitatively new life

Welcome to the training! It will be traditionally interesting, energetic and helpful!

Date and venue of the training: September 28, 2014, Moscow, Novotel, m. Mendeleevskaya
Details and registration for training here.

See you at the open training “The Secrets of success and financial freedom!”

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