Effective management of sales department


Friends! We are pleased to inform you that next Thursday, April 10th at 20:00 you can visit a master class by Sergey Ozerov called “Effective management of sales department: Myths of the management theories and practical guidance.” Master Class is once again organized by wonderful company “MeetPartners”

This time we will talk about effective leadership for the sales department. The theme is chosen not by chance – the correct leadership results directly depend not only on the “salespeople”, but often the whole company. What you can find there this time:

The master class will be shown as a typical scheme management, you will know what to pay attention primarily to increase sales results. You’ll get the opportunity to see how entrenched myths in management do not give the desired results and the growth of an effective management, also you will know which techniques are most applicable to your sales. Also you’ll be given an opportunity to attend the meeting of the typical sales and understand how these meetings turn into a real working tool of motivation.

You will get all the answers on every question you have. And, of course, there you will know more about Networking, which will help your business to find new opportunities for growth.

As a result, masterclass participants will learn the fundamental principles of sales management, delegation, feedback and effective employee motivation. A large part of the masterclass will show you how to monitor employees.

Details about the program of the master class can be found by following the link below. You can also register for the program.
See you at the master class by Sergei Ozerov!
Click and become a participant!

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