
Jack Canfield

Jack Canfield - co-author of the legendary film "The Secret", the coach of success number one in the world whose name is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records as the best-selling author of motivational, author of the bestseller "Chicken Soup for the Soul" and "Success Principles" recommended by his friend and Sergey colleague Ozerov

Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy - is the leading Russian expert in the field of sales goals and increase personal effectiveness, the author of the bestseller "Eat that frog" and "high achievement" recommended his friend and colleague Sergei Ozerov

Maria Boltneva

Maria Boltneva - a popular actress and director, played the leading roles in the series "Capercaillie" and "Karpov", recommends that all undergo training Sergei Ozerov, to raise his life to a new level.

Feedback from participants

Feedback from participants of the training "Your keys to success"

Testimonials Trainings Day

Feedback from participants of the conference "training day" on the statement of Sergei Ozerov

Отзывы участников

Отзывы участников авторского тренинга Сергея Озерова "Правила Успеха"

Feedback from participants

Testimonials Sales Training

