Announcement of the training “How to easily win complex negotiations”

Practical Training School

Friends! We are pleased to invite you to the next training “How to easily win the difficult negotiations”, which will be held on November 23 in Moscow. Friends! Training is filled with lots of special techniques and the chips that help in aggressive and tough negotiations. If you want to learn how to resist manipulation, if you want to get the maximum benefit from the negotiations – register for training! These eight hours will give you a huge amount of compressed practical knowledge and skills in tough negotiations! We guarantee that it will be traditionally energetically, useful and fun!

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Категория: School news

Training Announcement “Your Key to Success”

тренинг Сергея Озерова Твои ключи к успеху

How old are you? 25? 35? And you, like many others, think that is going to come? That all dreams come true and all goals are achieved? But what if I say “you are wrong”? Auspicious moment in itself did not come … Because you have lived almost 1/3 of your life. Count yourself. Now, take a sheet of paper and make a list of everything about your dreams. Let there be 10, 20, 50 points – do not hesitate. This is your life and your right.

Yes … the whole baggage of unrealized dreams … And when you are going to implement them? You think all of a sudden change, and “it” itself will appear…? Why didn’t it appear before? Why instead you are more and more drawn into a monotonous routine?

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Категория: School news